General Info
The Annual General Meeting of the West Sussex Centre of the Caravan and Motorhome Club will be held at 2pm on Saturday 5 October 2024 at Midhurst Rother College, North Street, Midhurst GU29 9DT.
As required by Rule 6c Governing Centres, nominations for Executive Office or Committee, signed by the nominee, must be received in writing by the Centre Honorary Secretary not later than fourteen days prior to the meeting.
Only Members who submitted their Centre Registration at least 35 days prior to the date of the meeting are entitled to speak or vote, although the Club Constitution does not forbid the admission of spouse/partner and other members of registered Members families.
Please present membership cards for inspection at the door.
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting.
3. Matters arising.
4. The Chairman’s report.
5. Presentation of the accounts for the year ending 31st December 2021.
6. Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Rally Secretary, Committee (up to 7 members)
7. Any other business.
Only Centre Members are able to stand for Committee or are allowed to vote at the AGM. Ensure your Membership is up to date and that you are registered with the West Sussex Centre before attending the AGM.
Membership cards will be required so please ensure you have yours with you
We welcome all nominations for committee members and would ask that if you have an intention to stand for committee, you make your intention known to the Chairman or Secretary at least 6 weeks before the AGM. This gives us an opportunity to explain what the various roles entail and gives you time to consider before completing your nomination form.
1968 R.F.G. Gurney
1969-1970 R.W. Wates
1971-1972 A.K.A. Mattey
1973-1974 E.S.Witcher
1975-1977 J. Gibbs
1978-1981 Alan. Baker
1982-1984 P. Wilkins
1985-1987 D. Eager
1988-1990 Barry Martin
1991-1993 J. King
1994-1996 M. Ramus
1997-1999 K. Adlam
2000-2002 W. Spence
2003-2005 Mrs. S. Hunter
Oct 2005-Oct 2008 Mrs J. Clark
Oct 2008-Oct 2012 N. Harris
Oct 2012-Oct 2015 D. Wightman
Oct 2015-Oct 2016 K. Trantum
Oct 2016-Oct 2018 Mrs Frances (Fran) Phillips
Oct 2018-Oct 2019 Nick Harris
Oct 2019-Oct 2021 Peter Fitzgerald
Oct 2021-Oct 2023 Janet Fitzgerald
Oct 2023 Rob Bayes
When you have attended 15 rallies in one year, 3 of which can be with another centre, you are entitled to claim a Fellowship Plaque and £10.00 voucher which can be used at a future rally with the West Sussex Centre. Your fellowship plaque will only be presented when the Hon. Secretary receives the list of 15 rallies you have attended.
The Alan Baker Shield may be presented to a member of the West Sussex Centre who has done something outstanding to help others.
The presentation is made at the AGM and the shield may be held for a period of one year or until the next AGM. If you know of someone deserving of this award please complete the Alan Baker nomination form and submit it to the Hon Secretary one month before the AGM.
Do you know of any Centre member, adult or child, who is going into hospital, or is seriously ill, or of a bereavement?
Please let Pete Dales know on 01903 501338 with as much information as possible.